While the actual graduation ceremony is not by run us, the Advising Resources staff does handle graduation applications, review students for checkout, and send out diplomas. For information on any one of these services please check below or contact us if you have questions that can’t be answered here.
Graduation Application
You must apply for graduation using PAWS. There are four graduation times each school year: May, August, December, and January. These coincide with the end of the spring, summer, fall, and winter terms. May, August, and December applications are due in February and January applications are due in December. The graduation application fee is $100.00. Students who apply after the application deadline will be charged a $35.00 late fee.
Graduation with Honors
Beginning with students entering in fall 2004, to be eligible to graduate with honors, a student must have earned at least 16 course units at The College of New Jersey. These units may not include courses taken on a Pass/Unsatisfactory basis or Credit/No- Credit or additive credit or units earned through the College’s credit-by-examination process. Honors are awarded based on the cumulative grade point average as follows: 3.6–3.74 with honors (cum laude) 3.75–3.89 with high honors (magna cum laude) 3.9 + with highest honors (summa cum laude).
Information on your Diploma
Your major is not indicated on your diploma. It will only show the undergraduate degree you received; i.e. Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science or the graduate degree.
Your honors will be indicated on the diploma.
You will receive a separate certificate acknowledging the College Honors Program.
Receipt of Diploma
Diplomas are mailed to your permanent address approximately eight weeks after your graduation date. If you need verification of your degree before you receive your diploma, just request a copy of your transcript.
Request a Duplicate / Replacement Diploma
If you want to request a duplicate or replacement diploma please complete the Replacement Diploma Request Form.
Trenton State Diplomas
All graduates who applied to and attended The College under the Trenton State College name are eligible for diplomas bearing both names (Trenton State College and The College of New Jersey). There is a $20.00 fee made out in check or money order, payable to The College of New Jersey, for each diploma ordered. You request should also include the following information via written letter to The Office of Records & Registration , attn: Nita Ball:
The name under which you attended The College
Your social security number
The month and year of your graduation
The degree you earned
The reason for your request
The address you would like your diploma mailed to.
US Mail: The Office of Records & Registration, PO Box 7718, Ewing, NJ 08628-0718