As a part of the Office of Records and Registration we are here to support and facilitate the advisor-advisee relationship that occurs at The College of New Jersey between faculty and students.
All students at The College of New Jersey are assigned a faculty advisor. While this website, and the staff of Advising Resources, are dedicated to providing the best tools and information possible to students and faculty neither are meant to take the place of the advisor. We do, however, offer a variety of tools and services to applicants, current students, those who are ready to graduate, and faculty advisors. These include overseeing the PAWS Academic Advisement Reports, evaluating transfer credit, posting Advanced Placement and other test credit, processing exceptions and waivers to student records, and a host of other services.
We encourage you to browse the website and see how we can contribute to a successful advising experience at The College of New Jersey. If you have any ideas about how we can improve that experience please contact us.